Negotiate Your Next Job Offer Like a Pro.

The Job Offer Negotiation Playbook is a multi-step system for increasing your job offer while building trust.

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Job Offer Negotiation Playbook

What's Inside?

Chapter 1: Introduction + Why Negotiate?

  • Negotiation is all about VALUE

  • Impact of negotiation on lifetime earnings

  • Negotiation Myths Debunked

Chapter 2: Understand Your Job Offer

  • Critical components present in each job offer

  • What benefits are negotiable

  • Total Compensation Calcuator

Chapter 3: Gather Information

  • How to evaluate what's uniquely important to you

  • How to gather information from an employer

  • How to conduct your own compensation market analysis

Chapter 4: Craft and Deliver a Counteroffer

  • Developing a personalized countering strategy

  • Prioritizing negotiation points

  • Scripts for counteroffer negotiation

Chapter 5: Responding to Objections

  • Developing a personalized countering strategy

  • Prioritizing negotiation points

  • Scripts for counteroffer negotiation

Chapter 6: Wrapping Up and Starting Well

  • Building relationships during wrap up phase

  • Why starting well doesn't happen by accident

  • 7 steps to start well on purpose

Frequently Asked Questions

Who, specifically, is this course for?

The Job Offer Negotiation Playbook is for graduate degree holders who want a reliable system for negotiating job offers now and in the future that help you get what you deserve and build relationships with your employers. If you have exceptional value to share with the world but struggle to translate that into compensation, this course is for you.

Who should NOT buy this course?

If you already have a framework for high quality, relationship building negotiation strategies, this course is probably not for you.This course is focused on mental models and frameworks that make job offer negotiation a win-win for you and your employer. This course is not some "hack" or "trick" course. It's focused on key steps to improve confidence and outcomes from job offer negotiation with predictability and efficiency.

What problems will The Job Offer Negotiation Playbook help me overcome?

No more feeling overwhelmed or anxious. No more staring at a blank computer screen. No more wondering what you can or can't negotiate. No more worrying about how negotiating will be perceived. No more wondering if you will get the compensation you deserve.This system will help you understand your job offer, gather information from the market and potential employer, and craft and deliver counteroffers that build relationships much more effectively.

What's missing in this course that those other courses charge so much for?

You won't be watching any Oscar-winning cinematography and it isn't shot on some big budget. I'm not sitting on a private plane or in some rented beach house.It's me in my home office in Durham, NC giving you the simple information you need to succeed.

Are the results guaranteed, and is there a refund policy?

Like anything in life, you get out what you put in โ€” so I canโ€™t offer any guarantees or refunds. However, if you follow everything I teach you in the course, thereโ€™s an extremely high probability that youโ€™ll see results.

Do I get lifetime access?

Absolutely. You can access it for as long as you'd like with no extra payment.

How long is the course and what format is it in?

The Job Offer Negotiation Playbook is roughly 45 minutes long and is a video course with some additional bonus modules that are text-based.

Unlock the Job Offer Negotiation Playbook Today